Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of waiting for it.Somewhere along the line, I stopped waiting for happiness and got on with the joy of living my life. In the midst of the chaos that sometimes comes to visit, I have managed to hold onto that joy, and I have even, at times, had enough to share. It has been a beautiful thing.
This morning I walked into the cold pre-dawn light with Harvey and rode to the gym. I have to confess that having company at the gym again was soulfully nice. The workout routine was difficult, but not impossible, and it's nice to be shaking the rust off. [Honestly, I don't know why it is so hard for me to get out the door -- I always feel wonderful after having been to the gym.]
The boys did a great job of getting up even though they really, really didn't want to, and Vivian continues to be cheerful despite the congestion that is still plaguing her. My recent progress at work is going well. Tonight's dinner of roast beef with sweet potatoes is perking away as I type, and I am looking forward to dinner, family, and a new-found comfort. I am blessed beyond measure.