This has been a heck of a week. David has mostly been at the hospital or with extended family members, understandably, and I am simply spent on all fronts. Halloween, my favorite holiday, has come and gone without so much as a boo. The boys are wonderful, but I worry about the effect of my frazzled nerves at home. In the week before the gun accident, I hadn't seen David in the evening at all, and by Friday's get-together I was already stretched too thin emotionally.
Saturday evening's carving was cancelled, and since then I have only continued to feel worn out. Receiving and stacking 100 bales of hay on Monday didn't help my muscles or my spirit, but it is good to know that I am capable. I definitely think a hot bath and some tea is in order for everyone here at McCutcheon Manor.
Even my horoscope for the coming week advocates a bit of a breather for regrouping:
2nd November 2009 - 8th November 2009Do not allow the pressure to get to you. You're either doing too much, not sleeping enough or fretting about a situation that is as yet resistant to a solution. Once you have acquired some space both in real and emotional terms everything will be easier, and you'll be able to see your way forward. This is a particularly challenging time for finances: while you can make money you can also spend it, and some Arians are counting the cost of an unwise investment or splurge. As soon as Venus enters the zone of financial resources and shared commitments (8th) other people will be more generous and supportive. Time out.
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