Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Advent Tradition

I grew up with a lot of canonical liturgy, and I loved the presence of the liturgical calendar, and still hold it dear. 

Advent, in my world, follows four themes, and when I am feeling at a bit of a loss for the Season, or as though my spirit is flagging, I turn to the themes to help recenter. 

I had a traditional Advent Wreath, with purple candles for weeks 1,2, and 4; a rose candle for week 3; and a central white candle for the culmination of the season. I still like this. Advent and Lent are my favorite liturgical seasons, and my Bishop said I was a bit of an odd bird for that, but I think he found it meaningful anyway.
  • The Prophets' Candle, symbolizing hope;
  • The Bethlehem Candle, symbolizing faith;
  • The Shepherds' Candle, symbolizing joy;
  • The Angel's Candle, symbolizing peace