Saturday, November 6, 2021

New Moon Reflection

Today's visit with Vivian was potent in a good way. I'm encouraged. She is asking for what she wants, and this is wonderful. One of the things she mentioned is wanting a sweater, and she's also going through a great love of all things blue, so this evening I cast on a sweater for her from an October Sky blue yarn. 

I'm very thoughtful this evening, and have been since Friday's salt float during the new moon. I think that I'll make a post just about what I did and thought of and lived through while knitting this sweater, and I think I'll do it for all my future knitting projects. Some future projects might get a "knitting narrative" to go with them.

I hope you are well, dear Reader. 

These seem to be days of digging out, days recently spent turning the decaying summer into compost, hunkering down for the short cold days ahead. Even the moon is dark tonight, and time gathers in on itself for the return to winter.