I've been depressed and weary since September, and I'm tired of it.
I've been overworked and run ragged by legal shenanigans. My personal boundaries have stood up to some serious fence-rattling on nearly every front. The move back to the town wasn't my favorite and it's left me feeling dislocated and isolated.
The recent conference totally wiped me out but I learned something very important: I love what I do and I'm really good at it.
I had forgotten both pieces, and it was a lovely reminder from the Universe about pointing my energy in directions that restore me and make me feel alive. I have been so desolated that I couldn't even describe the living death I had been in (and could return to at the drop of a hat, if I'm honest). Expect music, movies, and musings on what restores me. I'm too depleted to do anything else.
This challenge is about claiming my space: physically, spiritually, emotionally.
I don't have to prove anything anymore.
Don't believe me. Just watch.