What a weekend.
Friday afternoon ended at work with a lovely conversation with the Director, just getting to know each other, and I really enjoyed it and feel more connected than ever. We went to the gym after work and then landed at home for a much-overdue evening in with nothing planned whatsoever.
Saturday after some time at the gym, we attended a meeting again, after two days of being too busy or too weary to go, and we met new people and i was of service and it felt great to connect again. Then in the evening we went for a walk along the greenway, enjoy the early dark of it all.
We collected kindling and enjoyed a fire of it at home. My workout on Saturday was also a nice return to center, with a mile walk before going to the weight room where the number of the day was 48: 48 twisted inclined situps, 48 twisted angels, 48 squats with a 10# kettlebell, and 48 swimmers presses with a 5# weight in each hand, which made sauna time even nicer. We delivered my mom's birthday gift while we were out. A walk through Sam's club upped the steps to a high for the week (which was overdue: the time in a desk chair is destroying my walking habit). We ended the evening by watching more of The Fall, which just gets better with each episode. Gillian Anderson has found an excellent writing and directing team on this project, and her subtle-but-substantial talents shine through with elegance.
On Sunday we walked the greenway again in the morning for more kindling and had a great time exploring a bit more in the daylight before going to a meeting, which was really delightful. Apparently, the whole reason I studied t'ai chi was so I could perfect my branch-breaking skills.
After the meeting, we set up the Sunday ritual Chicken & Dumplings, decluttered the living room and rearranged a bit (because there isn't any problem that I can't solve with a few more cubbies), and then went to the gym. We walked for a mile again, hit the weight room [48 twisted inclined situps, 48 twisted angels, 48 squats 5# weight in each hand for gunslingers] and then lounged in the hot tub before going to sauna.
At home, we enjoyed cards and companionship, then made a fire and settled in to watch an XMEN movie, which was a bit slower than we were in the mood for (?? I know!!) and we switched over to watch the really wonderful film adaptation of Grisham's A Time to Kill, which I found completely engaging. Honestly, the switch of DST is always recentering for me, no matter when it comes in the year. I look forward to the day that we get rid of it altogether. When I lived in Pensacola, I felt much better for being at the western edge of the time zone -- does that sound strange?
Vivian's dress is coming along. After deciding to undo the ribbing and redo it as an A-line large circle, I'm again at the end of the first skein, and looking forward to seeing it on her again this week.
This morning we made it to the gym at 6 as scheduled, walked for a half hour, then did the steam room, sauna, shower routine before getting ready for the day. This continues to be the best way for me to face the world, especially on days when I'm feeling small and vulnerable. I set up a new fountain and I really like it. Last week saw the addition of flowers, and I like that I add one thing and one thing only each week; it keeps the improvement happening without being overwhelming. This morning I'm really hungry and probably am going to eat everything I can get my hands on -- again. Fortunately I have only good things around, starting with chicken & dumplings, which should be filling, at least to keep me until lunchtime proper.
Friday afternoon ended at work with a lovely conversation with the Director, just getting to know each other, and I really enjoyed it and feel more connected than ever. We went to the gym after work and then landed at home for a much-overdue evening in with nothing planned whatsoever.
Saturday after some time at the gym, we attended a meeting again, after two days of being too busy or too weary to go, and we met new people and i was of service and it felt great to connect again. Then in the evening we went for a walk along the greenway, enjoy the early dark of it all.

On Sunday we walked the greenway again in the morning for more kindling and had a great time exploring a bit more in the daylight before going to a meeting, which was really delightful. Apparently, the whole reason I studied t'ai chi was so I could perfect my branch-breaking skills.
After the meeting, we set up the Sunday ritual Chicken & Dumplings, decluttered the living room and rearranged a bit (because there isn't any problem that I can't solve with a few more cubbies), and then went to the gym. We walked for a mile again, hit the weight room [48 twisted inclined situps, 48 twisted angels, 48 squats 5# weight in each hand for gunslingers] and then lounged in the hot tub before going to sauna.

Vivian's dress is coming along. After deciding to undo the ribbing and redo it as an A-line large circle, I'm again at the end of the first skein, and looking forward to seeing it on her again this week.
This morning we made it to the gym at 6 as scheduled, walked for a half hour, then did the steam room, sauna, shower routine before getting ready for the day. This continues to be the best way for me to face the world, especially on days when I'm feeling small and vulnerable. I set up a new fountain and I really like it. Last week saw the addition of flowers, and I like that I add one thing and one thing only each week; it keeps the improvement happening without being overwhelming. This morning I'm really hungry and probably am going to eat everything I can get my hands on -- again. Fortunately I have only good things around, starting with chicken & dumplings, which should be filling, at least to keep me until lunchtime proper.