Both boys had overnight plans on Friday, and then the D&D crowd gathered at our place at noon on Saturday. How cool is it that the teenagers made dinner for everyone, including adults, and cleaned up afterward? I was totally impressed, and the adults got to play cards while being available for kitchen assistance. Basic fare of tossed salad, spaghetti with red sauce (no meat to make it easy and to be available to the vegans) and garlic bread hit the spot. Sometimes simple is what I really crave. A note to Ethan: I totally bragged to my coworkers about how awesome you and your friends are.
It was a fun evening, a much-needed stress-buster, and it was good to see Johnny again. We were talking about personal power and bullies, and I ended up using examples from the seventeenth century witchcraze to make a point. Oddly enough, bullies haven't changed much in the last four hundred years, and it's all about how much power you have or can claim when other folks call you names.
Sunday afternoon Pilates with the girls was as good as ever. And of course, there was gelato afterward. I have a thing for getting two scoops, with an eye to how they will taste together. This week was a scoop of Milk Chocolate and Whiskey with a scoop of coffee. Really, this was amazing. Before gelato, The Girls and I talked with Erin, the studio owner and Katy, the Pilates instructor, and it was a good connection. Maybe I should ask Erin if she's interested in creating a climbing wall in Roanoke.
When it comes to sewing, I've decided that yes, I will need to start at the pattern level, no matter how cool the stuff in my head is. Fortunately, Joann's Fabrics is having a sale on Simplicity patterns this week. I have my eye on a couple patterns that have multiple variations for toddler dresses, which will be just right for the various pieces-and-parts fabrics that I found when going through all the too-small, not-quite-right clothing.
The To-Do list is long, and has pieces and parts of packing, along with the continuing completion of my online class. Many thanks to Mary for shepherding the children while I took tests; I couldn't have done it without her physical and emotional support.
Oh, and I finished Richards' Wired. Not great, but not awful, and I like the way he thinks, even if his writing needs real work. I'm still deliberating if I will read the sequel.