Ségolène Royal, President Nicolas Sarkozy’s Socialist rival in last year’s French presidential election, called Mr. Obama’s candidacy "a historic choice." "He embodies the America of today and tomorrow," she said Wednesday. Ms. Royal, who attended an Obama rally in Boston on Feb. 1, said his consistent opposition to the war in Iraq could help mend America’s battered image in the world. "He had a lucid judgment of the war in Iraq." ==Later in the article== That generally favorable impression was echoed in Pakistan where Mr. Obama’s speech in St. Paul, Minnesota, came on television at 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. “It should bring a good change in relations with Pakistan” should he win the presidency, said Munaway Akhtar, a prominent lawyer specializing in international arbitration in the capital, Islamabad. “Pakistan has always been friendly to the United States but the people have never benefited, the rulers have always benefited. Hopefully, that would change with Obama.” ==And later== Margherita Boniver, of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Party of Freedom, said an Obama victory in November “would be a moment of great liberation, of the overcoming of many millenary prejudices” whose impact would spread to the entire world.I can think of no better reason to support Obama. It's not just about rhetoric. It's about what matters, at home and abroad.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Bring on McCain. Bring on the world.
From the New York Times:
love & peace,
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June 6,
primary election