Chiron is a centaur in Greek mythology, (sired by Chronos in horse
form) unlike the usual frat-boy centaurs (born of a cloud that Zeus
made to look like Hera, because Zeus is perpetually, like, fourteen).
He's wise and kind and moderate, known for his peacefulness and as a
paragon of justice. He gave us the notion of court, saying "Decide no
suit, until you have heard both sides speak".
He was taught the art of medicine and herbs by his foster-father
Apollo, and the ways of archery he learned from Artemis. He took an
arrow to the thigh ("to the knee" perhaps?), the tip of which had been
dipped in the blood of the Hydra, and it will never heal, but because he
is immortal it doesn't kill him. He is oracular in his knowledge,
understanding astrology as well as being possessed of a wisdom so deep that he is the mentor of heroes.
Chiron had Heracles strike a bargain with Zeus (Chiron's half brother) in which Chiron's immortality would be
exchanged for Prometheus' liberation from the agony on the rock (his
eternal punishment for stealing fire, which belonged to the gods, a
theft I'm grateful for every time I make tea). Zeus revered Chiron so
much that he couldn't let the centaur's death be his end, and placed him
as a constellation in the night sky.