Wednesday, December 28, 2016


End of the year update of things as they occur to me:

  • January: Signed up at the gym and began going daily
  • February: Finished Thesis
  • March: Signed up for another year of local fruits, vegetables and eggs
  • April: Presented at a conference at Virginia Tech
  • April: Quit Smoking
  • April: Started Yoga therapy
  • May: Switched to a better gym and added sauna therapy nearly daily
  • May: Graduated with a Master's Degree.
  • June: Filed Paperwork to create Justice For All Foundation
  • July: Took Post-Graduate Seminar on Men & Feminism
  • July: Started sending care packages every month to the 15-turned-16-year old
  • July: Got an apartment in Grandin Village for school district. This may end up being a safety net piece of the whole works, so I'm glad I did it.
  • August: Entered into a Dire Legal Situation with custody
  • September: Set up independent study on American Identity and the forces and personalities that shaped it in the 20th century.
  • October: Received Articles of Incorporation for Justice for All Foundation
  • October: Started a job -- with insurance and benefits and everything
  • November: Wrote By-laws for Justice for All Foundation
  • November: Retained competent counsel for the legal battle.
  • December: Started sending newsletters every fortnight to the boys
  • December: Filed IRS application for 501(c)3 status for Justice for All Foudnation
  • December: Paid all credit card balances. This has been a wonderful peace of mind tool throughout the year, and I'm glad I was able to make use of it responsibly. Other debts remain, and can be dealt with in the coming year.
  • December: Paid educational balances from needing to withdraw fora term to regroup when schedules changed dramatically.
  • December: Filed my 2015 taxes. I know, it was nearly a full year overdue. But there it is, finally done.