I have never wanted to knit lace before. In fact, I hated the thought of it, and when I saw lace in progress, it gave me the creeps -- it's very messy looking. But then I saw
this. Let me be clear:
Lace looks like it will freak me out. But this is a really pretty pattern, and I have a subscription of gorgeous Wexford Merino-Silk yarn that is clamoring for a project.

It doesn't have to be sophisticated, or anything that has to be completed quickly. It needs to be able to accommodate different colors of the same weight of yarn, and do it with grace and style. If not the counterpane with leaves, then possibly an
entrelac pattern, which is completely different, but still would be gorgeous. Possibly both. The beauty of both of these is that I have no clue what I am doing, and I find them a little (ok, a lot) intimidating. I love that part.
Also, I had no idea what I would do with the remaining Father Time yarn that I have, especially now that it has been discontinued.[Yes, sports fans, once they saw the

awesomeness that is the
Hippie Sweater, they took it off the market! This happened to
Lizzy as well, so love our sweaters when you see them. They are truly that cool and rare.] But then I saw
this. What could be a more perfect accompaniment to the best weekend sweater ever than a weekend hobo bag? This is so happening. And as fate would have it, I have a skein of solid that the Yarnista sent me to go with the remaining Father Time, so it's sort of meant to be. I have four and a half skeins of the Father Time left and one of coordinating indigo. With that much yarn, I could probably make a hobo duffle bag, but I'm contenting myself with the purse-like thing for now. I'm pretty certain I'm going to want to put a liner in it, with a pocket for wallet-and-phone and a ring for keys. Maybe this time I'll actually get around to washing it before I start using it.