Friday, November 30, 2012


Last night I finally felt on-track for the first time since the Holiday. I know everyone else really likes Thanksgiving, and I certainly enjoyed the time with family and friends, but I need structure in a way that is beyond rational. Disruptions to the routine really , really throw me off, and it takes a goodly bit to reset.

I knit more on the Blue Sweater while the children and I watched (an amazing episode of) Arrow with dinner (yep, it came from a box and I'm over it) and then caught up on a bit of Revolution that has been languishing in the queue. The sweater now measures about six inches from the underarm, and I'm liking it. I'm nearly done with the second skein, and I have another nine inches or so before I start on the sleeves.

And I know it sounds mundane, but the children and I were finally back on track with the little pieces of our lives -- chores, pick up for karate, dinner routine last night, and then this morning I felt as though I could breathe well for the first time in ten days as I headed out the door to the gym (don't let the disgruntled look fool you -- I always look like that when I get out of bed at o'dark hundred). The children were up and dressed with only one telling, and I can't tell you what a difference it made in my day.

No, I still haven't made a meal from scratch in over two months. No bread in over a month. And there is still a pile of boxes (slowly diminishing, but still there) next to the trash bins. The laundry and dishes are top priority for the weekend chore list, and cleaning bathrooms and floors trumps organizing. Paying rent trumps shopping, as ever, and we can all just have a little at-home celebration that we have a home to pay rent for, and that it is warm and welcoming and spacious enough to have friends over for D20 games and generic gathering.

I'm looking forward to reading more of Geekomancy, to knitting and putting the clean laundry away. I plan on letting myself watch television instead of fretting. I might end up making a bit of white bean chicken chile if I feel adventurous, letting it perk in the slow cooker while I am at Pilates on Sunday afternoon (still one of the best parts of the week).