Look who is fifteen months old today!
Last night Mary and I went swing dancing. It was far more active than I had been in a long time, including the rock climbing episode of a fortnight ago. We were achy, sweaty and tired by the time we left the fellowship hall and headed to get take-out Chinese, but my goodness it was fun. I'm looking forward to next week and having Lizzy join us.
Saturday saw the house filled with teenagers and dice, chili and gossip and testosterone. It was a lovely event and I am blessed to have such great sons and to live in such an awesome neighborhood.
Sunday after a beautiful Mothers-Day-In-Bed-With-Brunch-And-A-Book, we geeked out at a matinee showing of The Avengers and then retired home for a feast of a dinner: Steak, fresh salad and vegetables, and two kinds of delicious cake. I feel positively spoiled, and it's delightful.
Graeme's concert last week was a smash hit, and we will get to hear the jazz band again on Sunday at the Grandin Block Party, which has bumped the second attempt at rock climbing off until June.
I could do the Regular Update but in general we have been so busy with friends and fun that we haven't watched much of any television, and even our reading time has been shortened. With the change in seasons, I'm more inclined to cook or sew than to knit, so the poor blanket has languished next to my chair. Mary and Graeme and Ethan helped slay the mountain of laundry, and the oil got changed in the jeep. The wine label journal arrived and we made our first entry, on a label called Mommy's Time Out. I usually like pinot grigio, but this was unremarkable at best. Great label though.