you need to realize that the people who do care about you, and no one else, are those you need to focus on.[emphasis added]This is perfect advice, and is getting printed out and put in my cubicle. If you are one of my champions, and you know who you are, I love you.
Relationships are weird. Once we’re in one (with family, a spouse, whatever), we promptly begin to take the other person for granted and move on to impressing strangers instead– say, our boss. Then, once we’ve impressed our boss, we start taking him for granted too, and so on, in an endless cycle of apathy. It’s like we always prefer to impress and charm the new than to work on what we already have.
But these people– your champions– they understand your quest or your cause. They make you feel good when you’re around them, make you laugh or make you feel like you can just be yourself. They make you feel relaxed or at ease. You’ve shared things with them. They’re important. Focus on them instead.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Rule Number 3
love & peace,